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Guppedantha Manasu Today Full Episode Apr-22

Guppedantha Manasu Today Full Episode Apr-21

Rishi scolds Vasudhara for not raising his hand to write the scholarship test. Vasudhara does not care if he is trying to explain something. In the meanwhile, he loses interest in the future of education. Vasudhara was a little embarrassed by this ... Many people in the class did not raise their hand, leaving them all and what is the point of scolding myself. Although there are many people in the class, Vasudhara is the only one ... He says are you something special? Rishi guides me to read carefully that I am definitely writing a scholarship test ... which is very tough. Asks if he can go when it's all over. It's nothing short of serious. I'm going to sneeze at this test.

Rishi touches Tellaresari at Vasudhara's house. Thinks it has not arrived yet. Sadly wonders if he gets in trouble in the small room. Meanwhile Gautam calls Rishi. He asks where they are. Only then will Vasudhara give entry. He says something to Gautam and hangs up the phone. Vasudhara is surprised to see Rishi there. This is what you are asking. He says he has been working with a student. Gautam asks if he called .. Vasudhara says yes. The question is why. He says he somehow managed to escape saying something while talking. Then Rishi relaxes. I mean, I did not say anything to this Vedic Vasudhara .. He thinks in his mind that there is nothing that I am afraid of. Tells him to come into the room. Rishi Anna will not leave if he sees. Rishi who saw the conditions there said that the room is not comfortable for you ... must be right sir .. I think it is enough. Rishi looks at her and tells her once again that you should study and your goal is important. He says just turn your attention to how things are changing. Says and leaves ... Ignore the call. Come here to say this ... Vasudhara wonders if the same can be said on the phone.

Rishi is sitting in the restaurant. Brings coffee. Meanwhile Nico says look at the message I sent. Asks what. Am I right here ... advises not to say. Alas he speaks a bit sarcastically to me as to why such ideas do not come. Go to that message room and read it again. Clue immani requests why the tension will fall until then. Wait says do .. He leaves saying this is the clue. On the way he advises the restaurant manager to take care of her. Meanwhile my phone starts looking at my favorite phone. Rishi Hello, who has just arrived, explains why he is looking here instead of going home. The message is that the phone may be yours.

Vasudhara sees something in the message sent by Rishi when he goes to the room. It's scary. Not understanding what to do, Jagathy calls Madam and clarifies her doubts. Rishi thinks he will make a phone call as soon as the message is done but the phone does not come. Engage comes when he does it himself. Tension falls for a while without understanding what is going on. Meanwhile Gautam is seen talking to someone on the phone. It's also romantic ... and that's what Rishi suspects. Immediately goes and Gautam sees the phone.

Vasudhara comes to college late. Rishi gives punishment for this. Vasudhara, who had not been told till then, was asked to do a calculation on the board. Vasudhara goes in fear. Rishi is surprised by this. He sends everything and asks for Vasudhara. Is afraid of what will happen. But the phone was full all night and he wondered who he was talking to.

Tomorrow's episode

Rishi, Vasudhara, Mahendra and Jagathy leave to go somewhere in the car. The three sit in the back seat. Rishi, meanwhile, suddenly breaks down, igniting the fact that the three are sitting in the back.

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